🧀 T2's are the Cheese Machine We've Always Dreamed Of!! 🧀
| Mr. Cheese
Heeeeeyyyyooooo Cheese Chopppers!!!
Holy Smokes Folks, I am happy to report that the LegenDAIRY Cheese Chopper ripped through 25lbs of Cheese last night and was hungry for more!!!
The new SS301 wire didn't even flinch and the rest of The Cheese Chopper was rippin' right along with it!!


Need to make one last small fix
There is one minor imperfection we still have to fix where one of the injector slides drags on the inside of the housing causing a catch spot when the wire handle is under tension going up and down.
As you can see, we were able to power through it however this is the last little thing we need to fix before finalizing the Molds and ordering our first round of inventory to ship to your door!!!
6 more weeks
The mold manufactures say it will take them about 10 days to complete this last adjustment and give the molds their final polish which should put you choppin cheese in about 6 weeks.
In the meantime we will be running these choppers through the ringer! Countless blocks of Cheese, Endless cycles through the Dishwasher and any other rigorous durability test we can come up with to ensure you get the GRATEST Cheese Chopper ever created!
We will keep you updated as we get through these last crucial steps and get ready to send Choppers your way!!!
-Mr. Cheese
5 comments to
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?